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How to change visually the size of a window

Curtains, blinds and other window treatments are made not only for decorative purpose. They could also correct imperfections and defects of any window, and will help to make your window visually wider or higher. All you need is to know how to make it, and today avantgardewindows.com will tell you some secrets.

curtains for diferent windowsHow to make window visually wider?
Answer to this question is simple: order drapery hardware for curtains 20 to 35 centimeters longer than the window size. In such way the window will appear wider than it is, and the room will also receive more sunlight when curtains are opened.

If treatments hang strictly on the window or come only a few inches on the wall, a small room look even smaller. In this case, you should order extended rod, tulle supplement blackout curtains that can be opened and will be placed on the background of the wall and the window will expand.

How to make window visually higher?

You could hang long curtains from the ceiling If you have a window located low, at a great distance from the ceiling (more than 30 cm), and the ceiling height is low, you should not hang a curtain rod just above the window. If you do so, both window and selling will look low. The best edition is to lift the rod and window treatment maximally to the ceiling. In such way it is better to choose grommets (decorative rings) accessories. Over the grommets there is kind of a "comb", which makes room look higher. Installing window treatments, it is necessary to make some distance between the treatments and the floor. But treatments should be as long as possible, because short treatments would shorten window visually.

How to make window visually smaller?

Sometimes it happens that client needs to reduce window size visually. To achieve this goal, for large windows it is better to use active and bright colors. Find a fabric with bright fragments (eg, abstract drawing) and fit window treatment in the form and size of window. For this purpose it is much better to use curtains. You could also use trick with bright insertions placed on a of 5-6 feet height. They would attract all the attention and make your window look smaller.

Read our blog and you will find much more useful and interesting information about decorating rooms with the most fashionable window treatments in New York.